Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A New Strategy

Maybe I should just take some time to sit back and think. What kind of games would I like to make? What am I interested in? Open World games are not the silver bullet for game designers.

For one thing, they are much more expensive to produce. You have to build 3d cities, 3d countries, and it all has to run smoothly (without load screens, please).

Also, Open World online gaming is not straightforward. It can be cumbersome and confusing (Even though I absolutely loved it, OFP-CWC).

Also, since you have so much "exploration" going on, you need to have licensed and original music. Either long songs, entertaining songs, or, more likely, both.

I'm going off on a tangent, but you see what I mean.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ideas For Games

I think that I need to study which games sell more. I think that last year, the top-selling game was Spider Man for the PS4 (This naming theology must be great for marketing, but it's terrible for organizing). I think that I would love to come up with some sort of "gaming convention." Sort of like a naming convention, but a method - a set of principles, if you will - that would allow me to make kickass games for life.

The only problem with all of this gaming stuff is that I've stopped playing games myself. The last one I beat was Metroid Prime (the first one on Gamecube) and that was on and off for four years. I don't know. Gaming has sort of lost its appeal for me. Hopefully, my target market didn't lose its interest.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

What Types Of Games Do I Like?

Ironically, I really don't play games anymore. It just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to. When it started out, it was all about the online FPS. I had so much fun. But then there was this game called GT3. I wouldn't play it because I didn't think that I was intelligent enough to understand it. But then, one day, I bought it from Game Stop on North Avenue in Chicago. I was obsessed with that game and completed every race in it (It was a racing simulator). It was the most fun I ever had playing a game.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How To Create A Sport With AI

Computers have an amazing learning ability that can't be denied. This is how you create a new sport, using AI. First, insert everything that a sport can entail. This can include throwing, jumping, shooting, running, or kicking. Any verbs will do, really. Then add in the goals. Fastest, most points, least loss of points, lowest points, or any possible goal a person can have. Have your program generate completely random lists of possible sports.

Then, using the process of machine learning, insert a numeric grade for each possible sport that comes out. Grade it on your particular criteria, whether that be the "fun" of the sport, or just the feasibility, affordability, or any combination of factors.

Then, insert the grading data and watch your AI get to work. You can have more than one score per sport, for each category, or you can have one score for the entire thing. Your Machine Learning program will have slightly different results, depending on which you use. One is not necessarily better than the other.

Do this for a few rounds and watch as your AI program produces better and better games. It's learning. And that's the reason why you must use AI to create your new sport.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

New Sport?

What would it take to create a new sport? Games would certainly be the best way of creating that sort of system, and testing it. We are living in the best time to create new sports. One can simulate, from the beginning, without having to pay thousands to play or having to become "popular" on television to justify going forward.

Monday, March 18, 2019

I'm Not Exactly Sure How To Go About This

I want to program and make awesome applications, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it. I was thinking pseudocode, but that's exposing more weaknesses, and it's pointless without the ability to test. I don't want to give all of my good ideas away, because then somebody else will capitalize.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The First Thing To Do Is...

I have a few ideas for games that I want to produce when I get my gaming company off the ground. But I need to have some sort of system, a strategy for bringing great games about. I don't know what to do, but I will keep trying until I can have some sort of resolution.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


The fact is that the most profitable sector of the game design field is the smartphone/watch market. It is way more profitable than the PC mark. Plus, the games are simple. So you don't have to break the bank! Games like Candy Crush rival giants like Call of Duty in profitability, not to mention ease of use.