Monday, April 22, 2019

Studying Game Design

The most viewed project on my DeAr page is a game that I produced way back in 2010. I had just spent $725 on Flash Profession 5 (Yes, there is a such thing as non-streaming software. For those born on 9/11). Anyway, I made my first few games on the platform. The one that became the most popular was, ironically, the simplest. Now, today, I see the resemblance to Asteroids, but it was really not even that advanced. I had designed this really stylish graphic and all you did was push the arcade buttons, which made a green square move across the screen.

All I had to do was add in a "fire" mechanism and collision detection and I would've had a full game, really. It's going out and doing things that makes for great experiences in life. I probably never would've used Flash myself if it hadn't been for college. I really want to make game design a part of my future.

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