Monday, August 26, 2019


According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, happiness is "a state of well-being and contentment - joy." That's a difficult one for me. I mean that to say that I am not content. There are so many things that I need to accomplish. But I do have a large amount of well-being and joy.
What I mean is that I don't feel as though I have everything that I need. I think that I need to do more before I reach the level of "contentment," that is if such a thing exists. The hard part for me is figuring out how. How does a man who everyone was certain would never amount to much supposed to increase his stature in the world and make himself a force to be reckoned with?
According to Merriam-Webster's, content merely means satisfied. I am so totally not satisfied. But the scary part is, maybe I am and I just don't know it. That would explain a lot - the way I act, the way I speak, the way I dress. What if I'm really content and just pretending to want more?
Whether or not I am truly content, I have unprecedented levels of happiness every day. It is a feeling that I cannot describe, other than to say that I have created a life like no other. I can express my highest self every day, and create wealth where there was none before. Though it's hard to find out how. I did incorporate at about the midpoint of this year. It's been a rough road, but I'm glad that I made it through.
The most important thing to remember is that I never even expected to live this long. As a black man from the projects, my success was anything but guaranteed. I needed to figure out how I was going to survive, first of all. And then I had to execute on my vision. I had to make myself indispensable somewhere, and that's what I did.
There are a few things that make me happy. They are:
1. Family
2. Freedom
3. Rest
4. Health
5. Money
6. Sex
7. Entertainment
8. People
9. Food
10. Love
Family seems obvious, but it's really not. I have no family, but family is at the top of the list. Why is that? Even though I will likely never have a family of my own, it is one of my top values. It is the thing that really comes out ahead. I can't think of one era of my life in which family wasn't an important part. Having a mother and siblings certainly opened doors for me early on, especially since I was the lowest performer in the family. They sort of boosted  me up artificially.
Freedom is the absolute best. If I want to sleep  all day, I can. There are consequences, of course, but I'm more than willing to deal with them, because I am free. I can go to the library and read a million books. It's not hard. I love to read. In a country that incarcerates more people than any country in the world - most of them black - I have survived on the outside for a lifetime that I would only describe as magical. I have done things that I never would've thought possible, seen things that would make my younger me blush.
Rest is the sneaky one. I need lots of rest. I can't be up all day and all night like I could when I was a kid. I need to sleep and let myself recharge. It seems as though I rest a little bit too much, but the payoff is immense. I have just the energy that I need, just when I need it. I can travel across the city and engage in a wide variety of activities, all meant to bring a bright future for me. It's so hard to go to bed at 8pm. Why not 5? Like I said, there are consequences for everything that a person does. But who wouldn't want to get some extra rest every once and a while?
I am one of the healthiest people alive. It shows up in my workout routines, in my fitness, in my energy, in my diet and in my behaviors. It's in the way that I largely cut out sweets from my diet. It's in the way that I'm always drinking healthy fruit juice. It's in my way of creating wealth where there was none before. I'm just happy to be where I am now, always at the cusp of something great, never being uncertain. Always having my own methods and, yes, imperfections. I'm really imperfect, you know. I just wish that there were some way to convey all of the great dreams that I have. I truly am a dreamer.
Money is the great equalizer. I can spend, and therefore I exist. People have to cater to me because I am a customer. And as a customer, I have requirements. I need quality food at an excellent price. I need quality housing. Quality entertainment. I just wish that I could've made things easier for myself earlier on. It was truly a war of the worlds back then. But I handled it well for someone who was so new. My old debs are paid, and I'm headed towards a new future of opportunity with an open mind and an open heart.
I love sex, though I've never had it.
Entertainment is the thing that keeps me from sleeping 24/7. The great orators and the great storytellers are all here, wherever you look. I recently saw a movie called Flatliners. All rookie cast. It was very interesting how misleading a movie's advertising can be. I remembered it as this cerebral thriller, sort of like Solaris with George Clooney. It turned out to be a very schlocky, yet very surprising, trip into the world of the past. Not what I was expecting at all, really. The amazing thing about entertainment is that it's so ubiquitous now. You can check out your Jackie Chan classics at the library.

Monday, August 12, 2019

On Success

The first lesson that one should learn about success is that success builds upon success. There I was. I had just paid back 90k in a day. I was on top of the world. So what did I do? I took my already prepared business plan and decided to apply for a business loan. It wasn't much, just an attempt to kickstart my life. Maybe get a little advancement where there was none before. What happened? Maybe this sounds familiar. I called the business loan company thinking I was a hotshot after having jumped three levels in a week with my credit score. What were the first words out of his mouth? "What is your monthly income?" It was short, simple and sweet. After that, he asked me how much I wanted. With just a slight hesitation, I blurted out "Three hundred thousand dollars."

"Absolutely not." was his paraphrased response. "At your income level, the best you'll ever have to hope for is $12,000, maybe $20,000 if you're lucky." Here is the most important lesson to learn if you want to become successful. People only loan money to people who are guaranteed to pay them back. People only help people who can help them in return. Don't believe me? When was the last time that you got a substantial loan? How much income requirement was there? Did you read the fine print? Have to give up massive amounts of collateral?

What I'm saying is that success builds upon success. If you want to become successful, become a success first. And then you're assured to eventually become a success. This is true in almost any arena. Do you want to be considered for the Heisman? Work your butt off from pre-school to the 16th grade, get more results than anybody else your age, and then you may be "considered" for the Heisman. Do you want to become the president? Have a spotless record, resonate with people of every race, age, gender and background, learn a new language, stay out of trouble and have an air of being a "bad boy," and you will be president.

Success is the only way to succeed. Success builds upon success. Have you ever seen someone pull of a physically feat? This can be in combat sports, dancing or just weightlifting. What they never show you is that it was success that led to them ultimately succeeding and pulling off that physical feat. The daily success of diet and nutrition. An early morning run. Even the success of saving enough money every month to purchase new athletic shoes, for when the old ones become garbage. Success builds upon success and it is evident.

If you want to be a success, first succeed. Then the success part is easy. You have to succeed in any way you can. It doesn't matter if you are new. All you have to do is succeed, to show the world that you are capable of it, so that they can help you to create your dreams.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Before You Take On Credit

Before one takes on credit, one should learn about credit. I can still remember being young. I was eighteen years old, having just graduated from high school and moved on to college. There was very little gap between the two, maybe a month. In this situation, I was focused on making things better for myself. But I couldn't possibly have made the right decisions without knowing exactly what I was doing. I needed to find a way, any way, to make it work. I had to come up with any possibility that would allow me to pursue my goals. What happened? I got an unsecured credit card. Perfect for someone with no job and no income, the card came with a $500 credit limit and 0% APR. Naturally, I was elated! But the situation became clear before long. I had fallen for the age-old trap of expecting something for nothing. And it hurt me. Just remember that there is a price for everything that you do. It may not seem obvious at the time, but it's true. Remembering to keep yourself grounded and focused is important if you wish to create a great life. "What will I do with my life? How will I live?" These are both important questions that you must answer early on. The short answer is that you have to become an investor if you want to see a return. You have to invest in your future. But it's more than that. You have to remember to set yourself up to succeed in every way. It has to be almost automatic. Like, you see so many people who succeed and it seems automatic. You look over your shoulder and that person who you weren't even thinking about suddenly comes through and makes a killing. It can be hard, but remember that you're here to play the long game. I had everything invested in that credit card with 0%  APR. But I had no income, no way of making it work. It should be obvious how that worked out. You have to always remember that you're being watched. Credit rating agencies, banks, your employer. Always remember that you have to set the example for other people. Even when it doesn't feel right. Even when your back is against the wall. Everything you do has to be a reflection for others of how to live. Because that's what it is. Everything that you do shows the world what you value. Everything you say shows exactly what's on your mind at that time. Try to change your mind about the things you know little about. Try to change how you think so that you can change the outcome. Remember, you can achieve tremendous things; but, as they say, it all starts out with an idea. You have to conceive of a better life before you can achieve it. Always think in the back of your mind: "How do I really want to live? Where do I want to go?"

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The most important thing about life is to keep a good perspective. I've been through some amazing things in my time. The feeling of getting into college. The feeling of having my first apartment. Paying my first month's rent. It was all amazing. But the great accomplishment here is that there was no way that I could've afforded to do this on my own. It was all a great calamity of happenstance that got me here. I think that the trait that got me to this point, the point where I am now, was my honesty. It really shined through these last couple of years. Sooner or later I always tell the truth. It doesn't seem like that in some instances, but I tell the truth. I was so honest about the things that happened to me and about my feelings, that people couldn't wait to help me. I didn't want to be one of these kinds of people who just goes around, trying to put one over on everyone. I must admit that that was not the life for me. I wanted to feel like a true success. I wanted to be there, wanted to see my life unfolding before my eyes. I wanted to be the type of person that I had always looked up to. Not necessarily the richest, but the richest in spirit. People that had truly made an impact on my life, made me feel special and important.  It was absolutely necessary that I tell the truth. Pretty much everything I have with me right now is free. I didn't have to pay for any of it. I know what you're saying: "Oh, that's cheating." But think about it. If you could legally, honestly, have everything you wanted for free, would it not be a moral imperative for you to try to get it? I love to go to the library and check out free books. The library is my shopping spree. I get books on the subjects that I've always wanted to learn. I've got on book now called "The Illusion of Knowing." It goes into how humans cannot possibly contain all of the knowledge, in their heads, to explain everything that they "know," or think they know. I was thinking about my first Kickstarter as it relates to this theory. I wish I had read this book back then. I might have avoided a really costly mistake. The principle discovery here is that the perspective that I had back then was one of "Gotta get that change, mang!" While getting change (mang) is always to be lauded - for, how else would change come to be in one's possession?- but at the same time, there are more valuable things than money. One's good name comes to mind. Peace of mind as well. It's funny. In my perspective, every day I've been a live has been a good day. Wellness is the crown on the well man's head that only the sickly among us can see.

Monday, August 5, 2019

The Amazing Thing About Life

The amazing thing about life is that you never know how good you'll feel. Many times I have been gravely depressed and downtrodden, only to arrive at a revelation which left me...awestruck. Like today for instance. I had gone downtown to fix an issue with my rent. It was a beautiful day out, and I had brought a book along for the long journey from my home to downtown. But something happened just as I arrived downtown. I finished the book. It was an amazing feeling. Not because I would stop reading, but because I had reached my own personal level of mastery. I've finished reading over 200 books so far, and every time I finish one there is just a rush of excitement. It's amazing what a small accomplishment during the day can do. I can think of few things that fill me with such joy. What's so special about reading? Well first of all, it's transformative. Filling your mind with knowledge is a sure way to create new opportunities in your life that will never be taken away. You can do things you could never do before, if you practice what you've learned. And the best part is that if you like the subject, there are always other books in the same or similar subject for you to try. I remember a book I read called Growth Inc., by Herb Rubenstein and Tony Grundy. It was basically an in-depth guide for those who want to grow a business. The amazing thing about this book was that it made so much sense. I had never read anything to spoke to my intellect the way that this book did. It had so many common sense solutions for an age-old problem. Growing a business. Interacting with the public at large. Making beneficial partnerships in your industry. It was amazing what I was learning. And it was all true, in its own way. The teachings of that book wouldn't help me until years later, but they set the stage for what would be my most prosperous five years. That's what books do. In the beginning, I wouldn't read. I do remember reading a lot of Goosebumps books as a child; that, and the Choose Your Own Adventure fare. I remember something happening to me in my college days that turned that all around. I felt that my life was in danger and I wanted to make a change, before it was too late. My first solution was to start reading. I read and read. Almost every singly day that first year I read something. In every book I read, I found something useful. I actually read a book about Napoleon, which really was amazing. The Napoleonic wars were a circuitous, wildly confusing situation which led to immense suffering on all sides. To this day, all of the different ways that those wars went, it fills me with confusion. I mean, how could staunch allies turn on each other, each siding with the enemy in turn?

Friday, June 14, 2019


I have just produced my first game using GDevelop, a third-party system that purports the ability for the user to make games with "no programming required." It's not like that. It's not all "gewy" and sliders. It's about half GUI/half programming.

Friday, May 31, 2019

I'm Almost There

Have you ever had that feeling that you almost had it. You almost knew exactly what it was that you needed to do. It was so close to completion. I have that feeling often. My goals are right there. I can see them. The trick is to make success a foregone conclusion. You have to work so effectively, so relentlessly, that it's impossible not to succeed. That even if you don't reach your original goal, you can live off the fruits of your labor alone.

200 Posts In A Year!

Okay, I'm almost there. This was a big challenge for me. I mean previously, I was doing like ten posts every ten years. But this time I decided to have a go at it. Try to actually succeed. It was hard, as I have a problem concentrating. But I was able to do it. And now I have to be ready for the next challenge that is at hand.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

10,000 Hours?

I have reached the part in Malcolm Gladwell's book where he talks about the 10,000 hours. I already have that for reading, but I can't force myself to do anything else that often. 10,000 hours. That seems about right. Could you imagine if I could draw, write or program for five hours a day, for ten years? That would be my magnum opus.

Games Based In Africa

The US military is done to death in gaming. But what about games based on the African military? I had the idea of setting my military stealth action game in Africa. Don't know how that's going to work out.

Computer Acting Up

Yep, my $1,500 computer is acting up now. I think it may be because of the lack of internet connection at home. But basically the clock won't update, and it's having trouble starting. Other than that, it works fine. I had to go into the bios the other day, but the CPU wasn't overheating this time, at least.

Game Design Alter

I recently downloaded GDevelop onto my jump drive, but now my home PC is acting up on me. That brings up the old conundrum. If you want to be successful, you have to first succeed. But if you want to succeed, you have to first be successful.

Friday, May 24, 2019


I'm interested in trying this new software that helps you design games easily. Plus, it's optimized for Android/iOS (Unlike Flash). It's going to be fun to see what I can do with it.

Reporting Requirements

Yes, I do have a new business. It's called Battleganz LLC. I listed it as "the first black owned and black founded Triple-A game design company." It was hella hard to get it started, but once I decided that that's what I wanted to do, I sprong [sic] into action. Well, there is a federal requirement. I have to file an annual report every year (actually I think that's just a state requirement) and it will cost me $150. I've never filed an annual report. I hope I'm not required to hire an accountant to do that for me. I'll probably have no income to report. And the expenses will only be the incorporation fees. We shall see.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

What Shall I Do Now?

Well, I have gone ahead and incorporated as a game designer. Battleganz LLC. It's amazing that I've come this far, but now is only the beginning, really. Not even the beginning, in fact. There's still so much I haven't learned. So many bridges I haven't burned...

Oh The Guilt

I did feel guilty about all of the time that I had spent playing games as a youth. Basically, by the time I needed to "succeed" all I had to show for myself was a high score on Metroid Prime and some unlocked characters in Resident Evil 4. I don't know. I don't game anymore, but I still like this industry. Imagination is important, damnit!

Friday, May 17, 2019

I Love This Industry

People don't think that hard about games. Games really allow them to not "think" about anything except the mechanic. Not that mechanic; the GAME mechanic. Anyway, if most people thought about how much time they spend playing games, and how much energy it takes, pretty much no one would play anymore. I remember my crowing achievement from childhood. Without prompting, I had played WCW vs NWO World Tour for 24 hours straight. Of course, the rest of my family was locked out of the use of the TV for those 24 hours, but nobody said anything about it. I was amazed for years after that. But games are a big deal. You can think so hard about something that it loses all meaning, but games keep everything "fresh". I don't know, I just love this industry.

One Concept I Really Like

One concept that I really loved from my gaming days was the concept of "Truck Football." I know that certain modern games have already done this to death, but I really loved playing Smuggler's Run Warzones in the "PVE?" game mode, where you play against a gang of AI, on two teams. It was sort of like football. You grab the "Merchandise" and carry it to the safe zone. The annoying part of that game mode was the fact that the game always "assumed" that you were the opposing ball carrier. I guess that was slightly easier to program, or they didn't want to have players pretending to be one role and then going for "ball." But it's nice to be reminded that I'm the human every once-and-a-while. I'm in control of me and my life. Up and at them!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Why, Oh, Why

I need to be able to see what I'm doing. I've got to get better at planning. Something has to give. Something has to change. Before I'm through with this, I have to rearrange everything. I need to start learning. I need to make myself the future.

Persnicketty Pocket Fest

Is that a good name for a game? I don't know. I wanted to make a game where you play as a child going to sporting events. The entire stadium is populated, and you watch the game from where you are. But I can't think of a good name.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Things I Do

The things I do are for a specific purpose. No, I don't want to fail. But failure is inevitable, and necessary, as a route to ultimate success. I don't know what I have to do, but I can do something. I don't know where to go, but I can go to the place that teaches me where to go.

Books Of The Day

I picked up an HTML5 book that I used to own at the library. But what I really needed was an SEO book. I only found one book at the library with SEO in the title (the rest were checked out), so that's where I am right now.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Which One?

Do I wish to have a full website, or just a funnel? I don't know. They say that funnels are less expensive and more profitable, but I'm worried about the "endless upsells" of funnels. I'm afraid that they might distort my message. My image?

Beautiful Day

I don't know. I feel a little off today. It's nowhere near as bad as it used to feel. That TSF video was on point, though.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Keep Going

I want to make games, but I no longer enjoy playing games. But I think that I could have a very good impact in the game design industry.

Business Plans!

Already, it begins. I think next month (tomorrow) will be the first day that I incorporate! Can you believe it? John Jenkins, incorporating? Of course, it's not that simple. But then again, it is.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Tech World

I'm working really hard to make a way for myself. I know I have the potential. I see the potential. But this tech world isn't easy. You've really got to have your ducks lined up. I'm going to move forward and try to make a successful run now.

CSS3 Again

I want to learn CSS3 so that I can really put myself into the technology sphere. I had so much fun learning Python 3 last years. Now I want to go forward and make the journey with HTML5 and CSS3. It's so hard to program for me. But I really want to learn this, for my future. I can even make games with HTML5. That's amazing!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Studying Game Design

The most viewed project on my DeAr page is a game that I produced way back in 2010. I had just spent $725 on Flash Profession 5 (Yes, there is a such thing as non-streaming software. For those born on 9/11). Anyway, I made my first few games on the platform. The one that became the most popular was, ironically, the simplest. Now, today, I see the resemblance to Asteroids, but it was really not even that advanced. I had designed this really stylish graphic and all you did was push the arcade buttons, which made a green square move across the screen.

All I had to do was add in a "fire" mechanism and collision detection and I would've had a full game, really. It's going out and doing things that makes for great experiences in life. I probably never would've used Flash myself if it hadn't been for college. I really want to make game design a part of my future.

This Is Going To Work

It's like John Wooden said. "When opportunity comes, it's too late to prepare." What that means for me is that I have to prepare BEFORE the opportunity comes. I am doing a whole lot of drawing now, for some reason. Maybe that will help me later on.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I love this programming thing, but it takes FOREVER. In the future, programming will be done purely by thought.


I've forgotten my CSS3. It's so hard to remember. I need to start studying this stuff again.

font-family: Courier;
font-size: 24
font-color: #ffefde
padding: 30px
spacing: 40px
padding-left: 10px

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

It's True

It's fun to try and test yourself every once and a while. I like to try to program and make new things every day. The more I try, the more I learn. It's truly amazing, if you think about it.

Let Me Try This Again

(!doctype html)
(meta-charset: "UTF-8")
(html lang = "en")
(title) Take that!



(li) (/li)
(li) (/li)



(p) (/p)
(p) (/p)



(p) (/p)



Monday, April 15, 2019

Metal Gear Solid

I'm a lot like Solid Snake. I never understood why they included cigs in the game, but maybe that's not for me to judge. I never saw an element in the game that would let you kill yourself with substances (Of course, I'm lying. RTCW had the cyanide pill and Tribes had the suicide button). Anyway, that answers that question.

Games Ideas

I have a few ideas for games that I want to make. But, how to go about it? I have to work harder. Harder than my family. Harder than the competition. I need to work harder than anybody else has ever worked. That's what I have to do.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


I took an HTML5 test last year and passed with almost a hundred percent. The only issue was that I couldn't remember (HTML lang = "en"). Everything else was right. So, I would love to be an HTML phenom. That would be the truest of the true.

Flash Progamming Game

As part of Project Endeavor, the addon to my GT10K project from last year, I chose to make a game that teaches you how to program in flash. Basically, you click the button and it displays the name of certain flash game elements. It shows five elements at a time and you have to figure out how to put all five of those elements into a single Flash game. That was the first Quinkai (JohnJenkins2315 at Deviantart). But man, on a related note, I've had zero views for months now, exactly zero. I need to find a new way, or maybe not...

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How To Write Better Programs

Perhaps the best idea for creating a great piece of software is to break the task down into it's smallest parts. For example: if you can make every element of a game, you can combine them all to make That was the idea behind Quinkai. First, I made one example of every game element in the book, just to prove that I could. Then, I made a game that teaches me how to add them all together randomly.

It worked really well for me. The examples are on my Deviantart page.


My Method

My method for coding is to try to make the entire program in one shot, without testing. If you really want to make it as a programmer, you have to be able to get it right the first time. In my desperate times, I used to try to "comment out/comment in" code line by line. But that takes forever, and may also increase errors.

Just so you know...

Monday, April 8, 2019

Last Year

Last year I was able to complete so many programming projects. Amazing it was, truly. Anything that I can do to make for a better future. But it's getting more complicated. Since Google is starting to look more "inflated," it's going to be harder to "go along to get along" or "get by for getting by."

Things need to change for me.

From What I Know

From what I know, it would be better to use machine learning than hard coding algorithms. What I mean is, that it's better to have a randomizer and a feedback loop than a printer and for loop. What I want to do is to create a new way of creating. Maybe a new way of understanding. I don't know what it's going to take. But if I focus, I can make it there.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Google Shenanigans

I go to log into Blogspot (Blogger) and I get a splash page with a "sign in" option. Wait, wasn't a Google login formerly automatic? Google sees a Anti-Trust on the horizon. At least, that's what I think.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

AI Novelist

Here's what you do, you create a program that takes in a theme, and then produces an existing word that is related to that theme.

Then you move up to a sentence or phrase.

Then you increase to a paragraph.

Then a page.

Then a chapter.

Then an act.

Then you move up to an entire novel.

Then a trilogy.

Then a saga.

Then a bookshelf.

Then a library.

Then every library.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Favorite Genres

I don't play games anymore (is that even a pun?) but I do have some favorite genres. Here they are:

1. Racing Simulators
2. Fighting
3. Mass Effect/Deus Ex
4. Metroid Prime
5. Open World

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A New Strategy

Maybe I should just take some time to sit back and think. What kind of games would I like to make? What am I interested in? Open World games are not the silver bullet for game designers.

For one thing, they are much more expensive to produce. You have to build 3d cities, 3d countries, and it all has to run smoothly (without load screens, please).

Also, Open World online gaming is not straightforward. It can be cumbersome and confusing (Even though I absolutely loved it, OFP-CWC).

Also, since you have so much "exploration" going on, you need to have licensed and original music. Either long songs, entertaining songs, or, more likely, both.

I'm going off on a tangent, but you see what I mean.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ideas For Games

I think that I need to study which games sell more. I think that last year, the top-selling game was Spider Man for the PS4 (This naming theology must be great for marketing, but it's terrible for organizing). I think that I would love to come up with some sort of "gaming convention." Sort of like a naming convention, but a method - a set of principles, if you will - that would allow me to make kickass games for life.

The only problem with all of this gaming stuff is that I've stopped playing games myself. The last one I beat was Metroid Prime (the first one on Gamecube) and that was on and off for four years. I don't know. Gaming has sort of lost its appeal for me. Hopefully, my target market didn't lose its interest.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

What Types Of Games Do I Like?

Ironically, I really don't play games anymore. It just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to. When it started out, it was all about the online FPS. I had so much fun. But then there was this game called GT3. I wouldn't play it because I didn't think that I was intelligent enough to understand it. But then, one day, I bought it from Game Stop on North Avenue in Chicago. I was obsessed with that game and completed every race in it (It was a racing simulator). It was the most fun I ever had playing a game.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How To Create A Sport With AI

Computers have an amazing learning ability that can't be denied. This is how you create a new sport, using AI. First, insert everything that a sport can entail. This can include throwing, jumping, shooting, running, or kicking. Any verbs will do, really. Then add in the goals. Fastest, most points, least loss of points, lowest points, or any possible goal a person can have. Have your program generate completely random lists of possible sports.

Then, using the process of machine learning, insert a numeric grade for each possible sport that comes out. Grade it on your particular criteria, whether that be the "fun" of the sport, or just the feasibility, affordability, or any combination of factors.

Then, insert the grading data and watch your AI get to work. You can have more than one score per sport, for each category, or you can have one score for the entire thing. Your Machine Learning program will have slightly different results, depending on which you use. One is not necessarily better than the other.

Do this for a few rounds and watch as your AI program produces better and better games. It's learning. And that's the reason why you must use AI to create your new sport.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

New Sport?

What would it take to create a new sport? Games would certainly be the best way of creating that sort of system, and testing it. We are living in the best time to create new sports. One can simulate, from the beginning, without having to pay thousands to play or having to become "popular" on television to justify going forward.

Monday, March 18, 2019

I'm Not Exactly Sure How To Go About This

I want to program and make awesome applications, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it. I was thinking pseudocode, but that's exposing more weaknesses, and it's pointless without the ability to test. I don't want to give all of my good ideas away, because then somebody else will capitalize.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The First Thing To Do Is...

I have a few ideas for games that I want to produce when I get my gaming company off the ground. But I need to have some sort of system, a strategy for bringing great games about. I don't know what to do, but I will keep trying until I can have some sort of resolution.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


The fact is that the most profitable sector of the game design field is the smartphone/watch market. It is way more profitable than the PC mark. Plus, the games are simple. So you don't have to break the bank! Games like Candy Crush rival giants like Call of Duty in profitability, not to mention ease of use.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


I want to learn how to make great games. It's a passion of mine, and one that I've only now started to develop. I'm working towards my ultimate goal, that of being a great creator. I have to figure out a way.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


It's been a while, so let me update you. I want to start adding some Python 3 code to here pretty soon, plus some HTML5 code. I really want to expand my learning and branch off into different areas.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


vix:String = "Vix";
tropo:Int = 4;
best:Object = new Object();

protected var vast:Array = new Array(3);

vast[0] = vix;
vast[1] = tropo;
vast[2] = best;

protected function deltaFunction():void {
vast.every(deltaFunction, object);

Monday, February 11, 2019


verty:Array = [2, "Slink", "11"];

shoze:Banik = new Banik("Shoze");
shf:Banik = new Banik("Shf");
sho:Banik = new Banik("Sho");

vesta:Vector = new Vector.<Banik>;


Thursday, February 7, 2019

For The Future

Want to add some:

Python 3
Actionscript 3

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Tech News

In tech news today, Google announces that it will be eliminating Google + from it's web services platform. They claim, to paraphrase, that the low number of adopters (ahem) make it pointless to keep maintaining Google +. I should've known something was wrong when my Google + page had 3 million views and I didn't even do anything.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Short Programming Work

package {

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.event.Events*;

public class BombGame extends MovieClip {

public var plaName:String; = "Bomber"
public var pla1:Player = new Player(100, 6, plaName);
public var bomb1:Bomb = new Bomb();

public function BombGame():void {

pla1.x = pla.y = 200;

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPreHandler);
stage.addEventListener(KeyBoardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);


public function keyPreHandler(e:event):void {

switch (e.keyFromCharCode) {






Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New Work Ideas

Right now I'm thinking that I should come up with some game ideas. I should probably just make games for the rest of my life. Small games, of course. It will be difficult, but I think that I can achieve what I'm setting out to do.

One game idea that I had was a variation of Bomberman. Right now, I think I might want to "modernize" the idea a bit, because it won't work just by itself.

I also had an idea for an open world game, but I'm not quite sure as to how to make that one work yet. I don't know how to break into the world of game design yet. I was able to create all of the game design elements, but that won't be enough for the future. I really need to figure out how to make it work. I want to make games.

Monday, January 28, 2019


private var dentists:Array = ["Denys", "Flauben", "Doctore"];

dentists.sort(Array.ASCENDING); // Flauben, Doctore, Denys;

dentists.sort(Array.DESCENDING); //Denys, Doctore, Flauben;

dentists.sort(Array.CASE_SENSITIVE); //Denys, Doctore, Flauben;

Friday, January 25, 2019

Upper and Lower

"This is it".toUpper() //THIS IS IT
"This is it".toLower() //this is it
"This is it".title() //This Is It

tupa:Int = parseInt('5');
lupe:String = "Lupe Fiasco is coming";
tada:Date - date.DateTime(); //Not too sure about this line.

vendere:Array = [tupa,lupe,tada];

Thursday, January 24, 2019

What Do I Need

To start a game design company, I need:

1. Computers.
2. Burners.
3. Game Design software.
4. Graphic Design software.
5. Incorporation.
6. Legal advice.
7. Tax help.
8. Books.
9. Internet access.
10. Work space.
11. Vehicles.
12. Logo.
13. Tagline.
14. Trademark.
15. Servicemark.
16. Business bank account.
17. Business Tax ID number.
18. Branding.
19. Colors.
20. Letterhead.
21. Cintique.
22. External hard drive.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I Don't Know What To Do, But I'll Get There

I want to start Battleganz, my game design company. I need to:

Write my business plan.
Make a logo.
Make a budget.
Come up with some game ideas.
Study employment.
Hire lawyers.
Hire designers.

Everything has to come in its own time. The list goes on and on. I should start building now, start making things the way that I want them. It will only make things better if I do what it takes to make it work now.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Few Things (HTML5)

<!Doctype html>
<meta charset = "UTF8">
<html lang = "En">
<style = "styles.css">

<title> Ten times



<body style = "BodyStyle">

<nav style = "NavStyle">


<li> </li>
<li> </li>
<li> </li>






<article style = "ArticleStyle">
<p> </p>

<aside style = "AsideStyle">


<p> </p>



Thursday, January 17, 2019

Few Things

daString:String = "Help me, I'm from Idaho."

result1= daString.slice(-6,22);
result2 = daString.subString(0,3);
result3 = daString.subStr(10,2);

trace(result1); //Idaho.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Other Languages

Pretty soon I will be adding code from Python 3, Perl, PHP, Ruby, AJAX, Javascript and HTML5 onto my blog. I will also be working with code validators in the future. My idea is to make myself into an incredible programmer who can create programs in all of the modern languages. I should've thrown C++ in there as well.

I just want to get better, and I'm willing to do the work required.

Sincerely Yours,

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Just A Few Things

A few things:

"String barn".length  //10

trace(2 + "2") // 22

trace(2 + parseFloat("2")) // 4

public var hens:String = "Happy!";

public var dogg:Number = hens; //compiler error.

public var result:Int = 0
public var multiple:Int = 4
public var other:Int = 6

switch (result) {

case (miltiple*other):
trace("Open Door");

trace("Close Door");

trace("Rip Door Off Hinges");


Monday, January 14, 2019

My Most Embarrassing Moment

Back in 2016, I was in a bind. I had been poor my entire life, every single day, and I wanted out. I wanted out so badly that I was willing to do anything. At the time I had just finished a book on programming by Steve Heller. It was a C++ book.

Suddenly I got an idea in mind. I saw all of these people making big money on Kickstarter. I wanted to be one of them. Some of these companies made billions, billions. I wanted to win like that. But I didn't know how.

I had this idea from reading the C++ book, and without researching its efficacy I hastily created a plan to build my first Kickstarter. If my past was any indication, the Kickstarter would simply be ignored and I'd stay poor.

But something happened that I would never forget. Over 7,000 people viewed the Kickstarter in a little over a week. At that point I realized that I was totally unprepared for success. Many people emailed me who completely understood my thought process and what I was trying to do. But for the most part I was lambasted.

And deservedly so. The thing that stood out most to me was the fact that if I had done the slightest bit of research on my idea, I would have realized that my idea was already patented and already existed. It's existed for decades, but I didn't know.

My one chance at fame and I lost it all, before I started. It was because of my thinking. I'll never have that kind of audience again, but I do know that knowing what you're talking about is worth a lot more than fame. In this world, people who know nothing get featured on the big screen, their name in lights, proving that you don't have to know everything to be popular.

But everything that happened to me was my fault. I'm a black man. I know better. And now I will have to pay the price. I will never have that kind of spark again, but I will know what I'm talking about before I speak.

Friday, January 11, 2019

A Framework For Programming Despite Errors

The biggest reason why people don't programming because that dealing with all of the various compiling and runtime errors makes them feel stupid and frustrated.

The truth is that many things that should work in programming, don't. It's not even for a good reason. It's just some obscure rule; developmental inertia. Arcane society rules that don't help, and only hurt.

Programming is a creative pursuit, but so little actual creativity is allowed. For the most part, everything only works one way, and that means that you're going to have to get through about ten errors before you can see your first real program come to life. And it might take you up to five hours per error to get through.

A program that only should've taken a week now takes half a year, or you simply give up without ever finding out your true potential as a programmer.

What are the solutions?

1. Don't make errors in the first place.
2. Make programming error-tolerant.

The problem with the first problem is obvious. Humans are not computers. We reason using a living mind that is not exact. Because being too exact is the ultimate death. With perfect exactitude, all life ceases.

The problem with the second one is more complex. If we were to make programming languages more "robust," it might be more tolerant of, for example, a single errant letter in a variable name. But the excuse that the industry uses is that if we were to make a complex API that was searching for every unit of time, we would lose countless nanometers of time searching through every permutation.

And then there's the problem of programs being ambiguous as a result. The API might make your program sing pig songs instead of play ping pong, for example.

But the opposite is true. At some point, the  amount of time we lose - or spend -  as a result of having more thoughtful(?) programming languages will be outweighed by the advantages of not having our programs crash once a month or get wiped out.

Really, both solutions should be used in conjunction. With the advance of AI, we should see a great amount of progress in this area, even if it's just a new program validator.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Object Oriented Programming

Basically, the idea of OOP is that a collection of code becomes a literal digital "object". For example, if you wanted to have a tree. That tree would have leaves, branches, height, a trunk, a color, seeds, fruit, a species, and many other things. A tree would do certain things: like grow, photosynthesize, produce fruit, dispense fruit and shelter from the rain.

The three main components of OOP(Object Oriented Programming) are Inheritance(Heredity), Polymorphism(Metamorphosis) and Encapsulation(Wholeness). More on these in the next post.