Saturday, June 23, 2018

Already, Some Issues

I haven't even started yet, and already I have to change some things. First of all, the collisions option should specified as Hit Test Point, not Hit Test Object. These two are vastly different. Second of all, I will have to add the buttons element to every game, because I don't think that Hit Test Point alone will allow me to select in a way that is productive and practical. It's far to easy to overload the system if all you have to do to advance through the menus is to roll over the option with a mouse. So here's the modified list:

  1. Saving local data
  2. Random numbers
  3. Animating
  4. Loading screen
  5. Hit test point
  6. Buttons (Every game will need this.)
So what kind of game will I be able to make? I don't know. At first I was thinking that I would use HitTestPoint to make a sliding menu - that takes care of Hit Test Point and linear animation - but how would I incorporate the rest? Loading screen is easy. Just make a block and use the loaded bytes to move scaleX on the bock (or maybe scaleY?) and then have a button pop up which advances to the next frame. I think I have it figured, now. The only thing I haven't incorporated is Random Numbers. That may be simpler than I am assuming. I wish I hadn't restricted myself to so few elements, but I'm just learning. The game doesn't have to be the next GT5, at least not yet :).

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