Saturday, June 30, 2018

First Project Done!

Okay, I have completed the first example in the series. The requirements as follows:

1. Hit Test Point
2. Animation
3. Random Numbers
4. Buttons
5. Preloaders
6. Saving Local Data.

You won't be able to see from this example (because it loads so fast) but it has a fully-functioning preloader which displays how many kilobytes are loaded and how many remain. I doubled down on the random numbers. Not only does it display a random number when you click the button, but if you look at the sliding piece you see that it moves irregularly. That's because the sliding animation is randomized, so that it moves a random number of pixels each frame.

Quick tip: If you type in text as a label for your buttons, make sure to break up the text boxes by click control+b a few times. If you don't, the text field will block the button. When this happened, I thought that something was wrong with my code. The event listener can't see through a text field. Remember that.

Here is the link to the finished project:

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