Saturday, June 23, 2018

My New Idea

Here is my new game-making idea. I have 25 game elements crated. I got them from studying a book on Flash game development. So, I will make a variety of games using those elements. I think it should be easier than I'm assuming. I already have the code. I already know that it works and if it doesn't work for some reason, I have something to fall back on.

So here's what I'll do. I will grab five elements at random, and then make a small game from them. This is a lot better than my previous strategy, because I actually know what I'm doing this time. And it should help me to learn the elements faster, so that I can make myself a true game design champion.

I will:

  • Pick five elements at random. 
  • Create a game with those five elements. 
  • Polish and refine the game. 
  • Publish it and show the results. 
 Let me know if you have any further advice. 

Without further ado, here are the first five game elements.

  1. Saving local data
  2. Random numbers
  3. Animate
  4. Collision 
  5. Preloaders

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