Friday, August 9, 2019

Before You Take On Credit

Before one takes on credit, one should learn about credit. I can still remember being young. I was eighteen years old, having just graduated from high school and moved on to college. There was very little gap between the two, maybe a month. In this situation, I was focused on making things better for myself. But I couldn't possibly have made the right decisions without knowing exactly what I was doing. I needed to find a way, any way, to make it work. I had to come up with any possibility that would allow me to pursue my goals. What happened? I got an unsecured credit card. Perfect for someone with no job and no income, the card came with a $500 credit limit and 0% APR. Naturally, I was elated! But the situation became clear before long. I had fallen for the age-old trap of expecting something for nothing. And it hurt me. Just remember that there is a price for everything that you do. It may not seem obvious at the time, but it's true. Remembering to keep yourself grounded and focused is important if you wish to create a great life. "What will I do with my life? How will I live?" These are both important questions that you must answer early on. The short answer is that you have to become an investor if you want to see a return. You have to invest in your future. But it's more than that. You have to remember to set yourself up to succeed in every way. It has to be almost automatic. Like, you see so many people who succeed and it seems automatic. You look over your shoulder and that person who you weren't even thinking about suddenly comes through and makes a killing. It can be hard, but remember that you're here to play the long game. I had everything invested in that credit card with 0%  APR. But I had no income, no way of making it work. It should be obvious how that worked out. You have to always remember that you're being watched. Credit rating agencies, banks, your employer. Always remember that you have to set the example for other people. Even when it doesn't feel right. Even when your back is against the wall. Everything you do has to be a reflection for others of how to live. Because that's what it is. Everything that you do shows the world what you value. Everything you say shows exactly what's on your mind at that time. Try to change your mind about the things you know little about. Try to change how you think so that you can change the outcome. Remember, you can achieve tremendous things; but, as they say, it all starts out with an idea. You have to conceive of a better life before you can achieve it. Always think in the back of your mind: "How do I really want to live? Where do I want to go?"

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